Chattanooga - Downtown - Allison Lee
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Giấy phép số: 321916 (Tennessee) - TN / Real Estate Professional tại Allison Lee - Keller Williams Realty
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CHỢ TRUNG TÂM Chattanooga - Downtown

Về tôi

Allison Blunt Lee is a native of Chattanooga and very familiar with the neighborhoods throughout the greater Chattanooga area. Allison grew up on Signal Mountain and now resides with her family in North Chattanooga.

Allison earned her Bachelor of Arts in Retailing and Marketing from the University of Alabama. She is also a graduate of the Girls Preparatory School in Chattanooga. Prior to her real estate career, she was the Marketing and Recruiting Director for Miller & Martin PLLC, a leading Southeastern law firm with 200 attorneys in three offices. She was also the Manager of Human Resources for an internet-based company in Atlanta, GA. Following graduation from Alabama, Allison joined the management training program for Target Stores in Atlanta, GA.

In addition to her professional responsibilities at Keller Williams, Allison is actively involved in giving back to her community. She is a Past-President for the Normal Park Magnet School PTA, a Past Board Member of the Chattanooga Ball, Past Board Member of the Riverview Garden Club, a volunteer for the Hunter Museum of American Art, Siskin Children’s Institute, the Creative Discovery Museum, Girls Preparatory School, a previous board member of Little Miss Mag Child Care Center and Past-President of Chattanooga Girl's Cotillion Club. Allison is a member of Signal Mountain Presbyterian Church and is married with three children.

Allison will handle all aspects of your home purchase from contract to close and from initial listing to close. Her previous background in sales, marketing, recruiting and management leads the way to a successful career in real estate. She joined Keller Williams in 2010 and is a member of the Chattanooga, Tennessee and National Associations of Realtors.

Allison Blunt Lee, (423) 240-6661

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Allison Lee
Giấy phép số: 321916 (Tennessee)
Allison Lee - Keller Williams Realty

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Chattanooga - Downtown
1830 Washington Street Chattanooga, TN 37408
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Allison Lee
Real Estate Professional 321916 (Tennessee)
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